Good fake money for my fake wallet I take whenever I have to visit Baltimore, MD. Crumple it up some and toss it in that old Coach wallet you never use, along with a George Clooney license, and all those left over hotel room keys that look like CC when placed in those leather slots. A quick flip through will fool any criminal, squeegee boy, or others who attempt to rob you, and you'll be long gone before they realize.
I am happy with the money, except like others, I was expecting it to be larger. The seller has clearly marked the size but that didn't click that it would be smaller. Perhaps a photo with a common object (like a paper cutout of a real bill size) would have prevented me this small (pun intended) disappointment. It will still work for our fake auction, but was disappointed upon delivery. I have attached a photo showing the size of what you are buying (bottom) as compared to a US bill and a quarter for reference.
Customer Reviews (1825)
US$ 10.67 US$ 11.99
US$ 18.62 US$ 22.99
US$ 99.99
US$ 10.95 US$ 12.88
US$ 10.67 US$ 11.99
US$ 10.26 US$ 12.99
US$ 769.60 US$ 962.00
US$ 99.99
US$ 10.53 US$ 12.39
US$ 10.53 US$ 12.39
US$ 10.15 US$ 12.69
US$ 10.31 US$ 12.89
US$ 10.23 US$ 12.79
US$ 10.13 US$ 12.66
US$ 10.15 US$ 12.69
US$ 10.53 US$ 12.39
US$ 839.55 US$ 965.00
US$ 10.31 US$ 12.89
US$ 10.31 US$ 12.89
US$ 10.15 US$ 12.69